Seafood Fariña (THE OWNER) with address for notifications in c / Addressing 36630 – Corbillon – Pontevedra NIF / CIF cif, phone: 986 542 911 and email: makes available on its website certain content information on their activities. These general conditions governing the sole use of the website the OWNER by users accessing the same. These general conditions are shown to users on the site in each and every one of the pages to be read, printed, filed and accepted via the internet and find fully informed.
Access to the website of THE OWNER implies unreserved acceptance of these terms of use which the user states fully understand. The user undertakes not to use the website and the services offered therein for activities contrary to the law and respect at all times these general conditions.
company is registered in the Registry: Book ….
1.1 The use of the OWNER website, does not carry mandatory registration of users. Conditions of access and use of this website is strictly governed by the law and the principle of good faith by committing the user to make good use of the web. Are prohibited all acts that violate the legal rights or interests of others: the right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property etc. THE OWNER expressly prohibits the following:
1.1.1 Perform actions that might produce on the website or through it by any means any damage to systems OWNER or others.
1.1.2 Perform without proper authorization any advertising or commercial information directly or covertly, sending mass emails (“spamming”) or sending large messages to block network servers (“mail bombing “)
1.2.- THE OWNER may discontinue at any time access to your site if it detects a purpose contrary to law, good faith or these general conditions, see clause fifth.
The content on this website have been developed and included:
2.1.-company using internal and external sources so that company is solely responsible for the content developed internally.
2.2.-company reserves the right to modify at any time the contents on your website
3.1.- THE OWNER shall not be responsible for:
3.1.1 The failures and incidents that may occur in communications, defaced or incomplete transmissions so that no guarantee that the website services are constantly operational
3.1.2 In the production of any type of damage that users or third parties may have on the website.
3.1.3 The reliability and accuracy of the information entered by third parties on the website, either directly or through links or links. Also, enterprise, work and notify the competent authority in these circumstances at the time that has actual knowledge that the damage constitutes any kind of illegal activity.
3.2.- THE OWNER reserves the right to terminate your access without notice at its discretion and permanent or temporary to ensure the effective responsibility for any damage that may occur. Also, OWNER work and notify the competent authority in these circumstances at the time that has actual knowledge that the damage constitutes any kind of illegal activity.
The company website, – own content, programming and web-site design is fully protected by copyright, is expressly prohibited any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the protected elements except express consent of company
These general conditions are governed by Spanish law. To resolve any controversy or dispute arising out of these general conditions will be competent the Courts and Tribunals of the USER address if it holds the position of consumers. Otherwise be competent the Courts and Tribunals of business, USER expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond.
SIX If any provision hereof is held invalid, the remaining provisions will continue in full force, taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. THE OWNER may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred on this document which does not imply any waiver of the same unless expressly recognized by the OWNER.