Purification systems are proven effective thanks to their operating technology and their developed monitoring systems. They guarantee the sterilization of the water to be used for purify the mollusk. These systems have the great advantage that they does not require chemicals. These systems does not change the colour or the flavor.
The purification system requires clean water to allow the removal of toxins and microorganisms from the products installed in the purification system. This process works as follows: seawater is taken from supply pools. By pumps, it is passed through a filter system. Once the first phase of particle retention has past, the water passes through the ultraviolet lamps operating eliminating microorganisms. Then, they pass through heat exchangers that serves to maintain adequate temperature for products. The last phase of the purification process is the passage of water through ozone injectors. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent that not only acts on microorganisms, but also acts on certain heavy metals and some toxins.
This treated water is directed toward housing boxes (called ‘bins’ of the goods to purify). Once it has gone through the “bins”, water is collected in pools that run into supply depots for restarting the circuit.
Source Eroski CONSUMER